FOODIE & THE BEAST: February 18th, 2024
Listen & Learn on Today’s Foodie & The Beast:
-Victoria Rodriguez is one of three very talented Sommeliers at DC’s Bourbon Steak in the Four Seasons Hotel. And if you didn’t know, February 18 is National Drink Wine Day. Bourbon Steak boasts over 850 labels, so it’s a natural draw for celebrating Wine Day & Victoria aces the assignment.
-Our fave Bethesda Boss Babe, Stephanie Coppula, of Bethesda Urban Partnership is in with the latest on the retail and restaurant growth & how we are dining during Bethesda’s Restaurant Week, now through February 25, 2024. In with Stephanie is chef/restaurateur Payson Mtatmon, of Zao Stamina Ramen, with his incredible story about his love of ramen.
-David & Nycci are always trying to live a more sustainable lifestyle. Who better to put us all through the paces than Stephanie Miller, author of Zero Waste Living, the 80/20 Way: The Busy Person’s Guide to a Lighter Footprint. Stepaanie founded Zero Waste in DC where she hosts learning events and offers business and household consultations.
-AND, It’s no secret that Americans waste 40% of the food we produce. It’s food that could feed the 40 million people who go hungry and it contributes significantly to global warming. Jen England. VP of External Affairs for Food Rescue Hero is here to talk about solutions to the problem.