Classic Cocktail Class

August 29,2019 – August 29,2019 all-day
Mess Hall
703 Edgewood Street NE

Have you ever wondered why to shake vs. stir a cocktail? Learn the art of making cocktails from Pratt Standard Cocktail Company. The class includes three cocktails and instruction on cocktail history, distilling, and on techniques like garnishing, shaking, and stirring. You'll learn 3 classes of cocktails: Fizzes, Sours, and Lowballs. This is a hands-on cocktail class, where you'll get to learn all the basic bar techniques you need to make any cocktail, and do a bit of shaking! You'll leave this class understanding how to make your own custom cocktails at home, as well as a few classics. 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. $50. To reserve your spot, please click here.