Fearless Fitness Bootcamp At Chaia Chinatown

December 14,2019 – December 14,2019 all-day
Chaia Tacos Chinatown
615 I Street Northwest

Join "Chaiatown" for a circuit workout that can be tailored to any age or level of ability, and stick around after for a delicious post workout Chaia brunch. Hang out to talk and get fitness tips, other workout class opportunities, and personal training info to help you kickstart the new decade with your best self. Holly is a certified personal trainer and fitness & nutrition coach based in Alexandria, VA. This bootcamp style workout class will get you sweating to start your weekend off right. tickets are free! The class is from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. To RSVP, click here. Photo Credit: Chaia Tacos Chinatown.